Our story

Symmtri is a London-based furniture company that specializes in blending nature into the home.
 Each piece is crafted with high-quality materials and goes through strict quality control
 for longevity, comfort, and functionality.

Our goal is to create an exclusive and luxurious residential experience that will elevate the feeling
of any space, making it warm and lovely. Symmtri’s furniture is a perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and functionality, representing a lavish lifestyle and reflecting the personal style, elegance,
and commitment to excellence.

Our Mission

At Symmtri, we craft furniture with care and attention to detail so that you can enjoy luxury and comfort in your own home. Our designers team listens to customer needs and the latest design trends, creating a tailored conceptual concept and collection line that is not only functional but also visually pleasing. We use only the finest materials for quality and longevity, ensuring that every piece will stand the test of time. Each item undergoes a rigorous quality and excellence check before leaving our store, so you can rest assured that your new furniture will bring you years of enjoyment. Experience luxury and comfort in your own home with Symmtri.

How We Work

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Why shop symmtri

Shop at Symmtri for furniture that is unique, luxurious, and of the highest quality. Each piece is crafted with care and attention to detail, tailored to your needs and the latest trends. Our team is dedicated to excellent customer service and ensuring you will love your home design. With Symmtri, you can be sure that your home will be a reflection of your personal style and will receive maximum compliments from your guests. Trust that you have made the right choice by shopping at Symmtri.

The SYMMTRY team

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The SYMMTRY team

Hours of research
Top Notch designers
Top Notch designers
Top Notch designers


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Request a design consultation

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